
Growing up, I never really had a consistent home. I moved a few times with my parents, I moved around different homes when I was in care. No one really had the time for me, and I never felt like I had a place anywhere; like I wasn’t important.
As I grew into a teenager, I developed mental health problems, and as a result ended up constantly in and out of hospital. I was shipped all over the country to different hospitals, without any say. I really had hit a low, and had given up.
I came so close to dying on several occasions, that it’s scary to think about.
But then, I was sent to a hospital that would change my life forever. When I arrived, I was shut down, withdrawn and tired of life. But this place was different from the rest; they didn’t give up on me.
They supported me and helped me through, getting me to the point where I realised I was important and that I could turn my life around, and into something positive.
After spending a year and 2 months there, I was ready for the big wide outside world! They helped me sort out going to college, doing volunteer work, and helped me secure my own place too.
I honestly owe my life to that hospital ward, I truly believe I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for them.
My coordinates are the hospital. Every time I feel like I’m struggling, and can’t make it through, I have that reminder around my wrist that I can do it. A reminder that people believe in me, and I can do anything I want to! It’s a reminder of hope, and a reminder that I am now strong!