I moved to a new town in Pennsylvania when I was 11 years old and there I met my best friend. Her name is Chiara and she was born Nebraska, but her moms family is from Italy. Each summer, she goes to Italy to stay and visit her family and friends. This year, she left in May and is staying in Florence on her own to finish her fifth year of high school and she plans on attending university next fall. We have been friends for 7 years now and I miss her more and more every day. When she was home, I practically lived with her family. I was always at her house, we made dinner together, we’d go to family parties together, and her parents always counted me as their daughter. I bought a Lat & Lo necklace for her with the coordinates of our town and the inscription “anima gemelli” on the back, which means “soul sisters” in Italian. No matter how far we travel, this necklace will be a constant reminder that we will always be with each other.