
My story is unfortunately one of great sadness. My numbers represent the final resting place of my horse Phantom. I rescued Phantom when i was 12 years old. He was old, blind in one eye, “unridable” and was bound to the slaughterhouse. He was being boarded in the same barn i was boarding my horse in. When we all got word that his owners decided they were sending him to auction i begged my parents to let me save him. After much begging and pleading they finally gave in.
Fast forward a few years and you would not even recognize him. This “unridable” horse was now fully trained, blazing trails and letting little kids ride him. He taught me so much, how to be a better rider, how to listen when there are no words, patience and understanding. He made me laugh and cry. He was a companion to my other horse Kelly. He was a unique soul and the biggest goof!
On a cold morning in March, Phantom suddenly passed away. He was 30 years old. We took what would be our last trail ride only 2 days before. I was lucky enough to see him the night before unknown to me that that would be the last “goodnight” and kiss on his forehead.
Phantom was laid to rest on my uncles farm about 3 hours away from me. Having these coordinates keeps him close to my heart.